Sunday 13 September 2009

Crying Into My Pillow

Crying into my pillow I cant scream too loud
For he might hear me Beat me, hit me, kill me
I fear for my life But who can I tell
Noone would believe me Hes such a nice man
He held my hand while my daughter slipped away
Who was to know it was his fault
That he kicked me until he got his way
With every breath I have fear and pain

Crying into my pillow I can not run away
For all the things he does to me
I love him with all my heart, I know he’ll stop
Not now, not tomorrow, but one day he will
I’ll have my precious love back it has never been so strong
Black eyes and bruises will heel, noone need know
Have I lost my mind? Am I going insane?
To want to stay and love him with my precious heart

Crying into my pillow I know I have to go
I need a life, with love and security I don’t want any pain
How do I escape? I need to be free
My life is planned, the wedding’s tomorrow
I need to get away, I want to end my suffering
Of course he never hit you, he has no reason
That’s what they’ll say, they all love him so much
But what about my pain, my fear, my security?

Crying into my pillow and I’ve finally got away
With all my courage I’ve done it
But for how long will I be safe? When will he come?
Crying into my pillow I know I’ve made the right choice
For tonight I am no longer scared and frightened
I am just sad for the love I have lost
But how can he love me? To treat me that way
Now I can get on with my life
And concentrate on the life I have inside

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